Sitemap - 2022 - Suxless diversions

The importance and value of saying ‘thank you.’

The challenge of keeping warm

Dear NHS - please get joined up

Relentless sharing and integrity - the keys to a good, profitable life. Three examples.

The insanity of transactional thinking

I wish Rishi Sunak well

Weekend musing - don’t hate me, I’m talking race

Event report - Acadian Ventures Startup Summit

What we have here is…

Friday rant - software integration

Why spreadsheets might be your fair weather friend but are likely your nemesis

The tyranny of process and the missing people dimension

How assumed automation can FU your cash based business

I’ve become a limited partner in an early stage VC fund - here’s why

Solving the magic of triple cooked chips

The Owl Leeds - a review and thoughts on fine dining

Every penny counts - support this

Thinking the unthinkable?

Thank you QEII. Some thoughts

Time to eat differently

Bespoke house building lessons for IT projects

Things are about to get very interesting

The new abnormal - an opportunity at risk of loss

The £100 million drop for fat bastards

An Easter egg for you

Nobody cares - enough

Making the case for home baking

User conference or vendor flogathon?

The importance of mentorship

Pride in our children

Reflections on a first year in retirement - from idiocy to madness

Reflecting on my first year in retirement - media consumption

On weddings, food and Heinz 57

Don’t let LinkedIn - or any other media - censor you.

Saving our bacon

Time to take a breather - a finance function perspective

Of painters and restaurants

Apple owns my ass, Amazon owns my trash

Why I won’t invest without an audit

Could therapy be the answer to workplace mental health issues?